While our very expert blogger jurors have labored mightily and cogitated deeply and voted faithfully to determine "winners" in the midst of plenty, there is no claim that we have found absolute bests nor that there is such a thing as "absolute bests." But it is worthy -- and fun, just fun -- to seek excellence, honor it and encourage it. It is also beneficial, and the prime directive of these awards, to get out The Good News. No, not that Jesus died for your sins, but that there are excellent Buddhism blogs out there that people like you may read for pleasure and information.
I am very sorry that this announcement is bare bones; there are storms literal and metaphorical here in Sacramento as I type this. Comprehensive information about the winners, nominees, process and significance of the Blogisattas will be forthcoming tomorrow or shortly thereafter. In the meantime, we bow to the winners, all the nominees, the excellence of Buddhism blogging and the work that buddhobloggers do to bring us information and joy.
The 2008 winners, for achievement in calendar year 2007, are:
Blog of the year, Svaha!: One foot in front of the other; Michael
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Best Post of the Year: "Addressing Comments From the Meditation Thread"; Tricycle Blogs - Jeff Wilson; Jeff Wilson
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Best Achievement in Skilled Writing (The Wordsmithing Award): Ed of Bad Buddha.
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Best New Blog, 2007: Progressive Buddhism, a group blog with contributions by Ordinary Extraordinary [Justin Farquar], WH [William Harrison], Nacho Cordova, Buddhist_philosopher [Justin Whitaker], odin [Paul Jahshan], Tom [Tom Armstrong], and Joe in 2007.
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Best Achievement Blogging on Buddhist Practice or Dharma [blog; blogger(s)]: 108 Days; Lekshe
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Best Buddhist Practice or Dharma Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Briefest ruminations on the death of a child"; Monkey Mind; John Ishmael Ford
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Best Achievement Blogging in the First Person [as a diarist; writing of events in one's life; offering thoughts; or by venturing out into the world, gonzo style] [blog, blogger]: One foot in front of another; Michael
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Best "Life" Blog Post [Best Achievement Blogging in the First Person (as a diarist; writing of events in one's life; or offering personal thoughts)] ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Breaking Point"; One foot in front of the other; Michael
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Best Achievement Blogging on Matters Philosophical or Psychological [blog, blogger]: American Buddhist [the combination of American Buddhist Perspective (1/1-9/23/07) & American Buddhist in England (9/23-12/31/07)]; Justin Whitaker
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Best Philosophy or Psychology Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Zen Teachings and Idolatry"; Flapping Mouths; TedinAnacortes
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Best Achievement Blogging on Matters Scientific [blog; blogger]: Sentient Developments; George Dvorsky
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Best Science Blog Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Perils of a Digital Life"; Sentient Developments; George Dvorsky
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Best Achievement in Kind and Compassionate Blogging [blog, blogger]: One Foot in Front of the Other; Michael
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Best Kind and Compassionate Blog Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Awakening"; Budding Buddhist; EdaMommy
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Best Achievement Blogging Opinion Pieces or about Political Issues [blog, blogger]: Zen Traveler: Eric Stewart
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Best Opinion or Political Blog Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Politics: toward a Buddhist immigration policy"; American Buddhist in England; Justin Whitaker
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Best Engage-the-World Blog Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Meat eaters are bad people"; Sentient Developments; George Dvorsky
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Best Achievement in Clean, Straightforward, Unaffected Design [blog, blogger]: Hoarded Ordinaries; Lorianne DiSabato
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Best Achievement in Wonderful, Remarkable, Elegant Design [blog; blogger]: Tannishblog; Tannish
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Best Achievement in Creation or Use of Graphics in a Blog [awarded for use within posts for overall effect] [blog, blogger]: Hoarded Ordinaries; Lorianne DiSabato
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Best Single Photograph, taken by blogger or an associate, used in a post [Photo link; description; "post"; blog; blogger]: Photo link; "A Western pilgrim sitting among the small stupas and votives at the Mahabodhi Mahavihara."; "India Post #23"; Danny Fisher; Danny Fisher
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Best Achievement with Use of Quotations in a Blog [blog; blogger]: lotusinthemud; sujatin
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Best Achievement in Wide Range of Topic Interests Blogging [blog, blogger]: Integral Options Cafe; William Harryman
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Best Niche Blog, Unusual-Function Blog, Blog Service, or a Serial within a Blog[blog, blogger(s)]: Buddhist Military Sangha; Lt. Jeanette Shin et al
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Best Multi-Part Blog Post [post series; blog; blogger]: Dharma from the sky "I: legends and history", "II: Indian or Chinese dharma?"; earlyTibet.com; Sam Van Schaik
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Best Achievement with Humor in a Blog Post ["post"; blog; blogger]: "Vegetarian Christmas"; This Is This; Cliff Jones
I am thrilled that Michael's "One foot in front of the other" has been chosen Blog of the year. As many of you know, Michael died on January 15. Yesterday, we had a beautiful memorial service to celebrate Michael's life. This award is another fitting tribute and it means that more people will come to know my brother and be inspired by his example and his spirit. Thank you from Michael's eldest sister.
This means a lot.
I'd like to thank the Yakademy.
Michael has greatly moved me in just the few posts that I have read so far. I plan to read his entire blog over the months to come. I am proud that his blog has been honored in this way.
Thank-you Michael's sister for sharing those tender thoughts with us.
Michael's sister,
Like James, I am touched by your comment regarding spendid, wonderful Michael. As you know, his blog was loved and revered by many Buddhists and others who got into the great, good habit of reading One foot in front of the other regularly online.
You may be interested to know that OFIFOTO [I like how the acronym of his blog ends in 'photo'] was honored as well in the first two years of the Blogisattva Awards. The tribute from our modest awards is nothing compared to the example of openness and insight Michael provided us.
I was more than honored to have been nominated. Thanks to Tom and the Blogisattva crew for exposing some great blogs, I've been reading many of them since the nominees were announced. Congrats to all the "winners". May you all be well!
Thank you so much for the honor. Thanks also for pointing me to inspiring new places to visit.
I must also say that I too am honored to be nominated with some great bloggers. Here's to all Buddhist bloggers!! Let's have a great year!!!
Hey Tom, did you see that the Tricycle eNewsletter mentioned the awards? Pretty cool.
If you want I'll forward the email mentioning it to ya. Just send me a note...
Thanks for adding your kind comments, cliff, james, nate [of Precious Metal: the blog] and tannish.
James, I have now seen the Tricycle eNewsletter. Very, very cool. Thanks, Trike!
Readers should be aware they may sign up for the free Tricycle eNewsletter [AND the free Daily Dharma] from a "email submit" box/thingy in the left sidebar on Tricycle's homepage.
I recommend categories of "best researched," "historically accurate," "most informative." Not that the categories you've got aren't good.
Those categories of awards would represent qualities we should recognize and honor.
A problem with "best researched" and "historically accurate" might be that it would be hard for our voters/committees to evaluate effort and accuracy. Also, often something that is highly esoteric or involved might not be best presented in the format of a blog post.
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