Tom Armstrong - Tom created these awards several years ago to help foster a budding online Buddhist community, and to recognize excellence in the Buddhist blog-o-sphere. Tom has done so much for the online community over the past five years, and he is always a man you can go to if you have problems or questions, personal or otherwise. The online Buddhist community would not be what it is today if it wasn't for Tom!
The Administrators
Nate DeMontigny from Precious Metal
Kyle Lovett from The Reformed Buddhist
Graphic Design and Administrator
Anoki Casey from BuddhaBadges and DharmaDots
If you would like to donate some time or have an idea for the Blogisattvas, please feel free to send us an email here.
2010 Panel Judges
Rev. Danny Fisher - Rev. Danny Fisher, M.Div., D.B.S. (Cand.), is a professor and Coordinator of the Buddhist Chaplaincy Program at University of the West in Rosemead, CA. He was ordained as a lay Buddhist minister by the Buddhist Sangha Council of Southern California in 2008. In addition, he is certified as a mindfulness meditation instructor by Naropa University in association with Shambhala International.
Barbara Hoetsu O'Brien - Barbara is a journalist and student of Zen Buddhism currently living in the greater New York City area. She began formal study with John Daido Loori in the late 1980s, and she currently is a student of Soto teacher Susan Jion Postal. Through these years Barbara has been actively engaged in meeting Buddhists from other traditions and learning about the many forms of Buddhism. She now blogs at the popular site and has her own personal blog,The Mahablog.
Philip Ryan- Philip has worked for Tricycle: The Buddhist Review on and off (mostly off) since 1996. He is an inconstant and unreliable sitter, mainly in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Asked by Tricycle ’s founder Helen Tworkov in his job interview why he wanted to work at a Buddhist magazine, he cannily replied, “I don’t know.” When he is not working on, he eats and goes to sleep.
Tanya McGinnity- Tanya McGinnity is a Canadian girl geek who came to know suffering at an early age when she would drive her Big Wheel off of the front steps to attract the sympathetic wallet of her parents. Her goal was the Bionic Woman doll which once purchased gave her momentary pleasure and fleeting satisfaction. She studied in the Shambhala tradition for several years in both Halifax, Nova Scotia and Montreal, Quebec and is now a student of Nalandabodhi Canada and has started to dip her toe in the murky waters of teaching the dharma. Tanya has been blogging about her journey on the Buddhist path at Full Contact Enlightenment since 2006 and once won a Blogisattva Award but doesn't remember what category it was for. She attributes this to the Buddhist concepts of 'letting go', 'selflessness' and 'relinquishing ego attachment' but really it's due to her lack of attention and addiction to multi-tasking.